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Leadership and Wellbeing Coaching

Leadership and Resilience

An opportunity to explore the values that drive your leadership style. Effective and agile leadership is built on strong communicationsystemic thinking and a growth mindset. Coaching will help you to connect with your strengths and step forward with integrity.

Workplace Issues

A confidential and supportive space in which to address issues arising in the workplace with managers, colleagues and clients.  Offering a space to focus on building resilience, improving communication skills and developing strategies to handle difficult relationship dynamics (including bullying and discrimination). 

Workplace Change and Career Pivots

Working through the impacts of change at work can help to regain a sense of clarity and engagement with your own career. Whether the career pivot is your decision or a response to a changing landscape in your organisation, coaching for change will help you keep moving with confidence.

Strength and Self-Care

Many roles involve exposure to images, stories and records that can take an emotional toll over the course of your career. Strength and self-care coaching will help you to develop tailored work practices to protect yourself and your loved ones from the impact of vicarious trauma.